Our Animals


Our Momma goat to Rory and Lorelai. She is a loving mother. We learned to milk together.


Rory is the smallest of the babies. She uses that to her advantage and is the most mischievous of our girls. She love to hop around the yard and play with her sister.

Our Chickens

We have Anconas, Light Brahmas, Golden Polishs, White Crested Black Polishs, Columbian Wyandottes, New Hampshires, White Orpintons, White Rocks, Speckled Sussex, Ameraucanas, Black Stars, Ambers Stars, and Bernice the rescue chicken.


Lorelai is a playful little girl! She is curious and friendly. She loves to jump off of things and zoom around the yard.

Fat Back

Fat Back on the left was our smallest pig. He and his brother were oldspot/red wattle crosses. He was shy, sweet and lazy!


Andouille was a rambunctious playful boy. He loved belly scratches, blowing bubbles in mud puddles and playing in the sprinkler.